Supplementary childcare services for families

Good to know!

Waiting times for childcare places are often short - but they exist! Early registration is recommended. Individual weekdays are popular. Those who are flexible with regard to care days can usually organise themselves more easily. In general, there is no entitlement to a childcare place. Especially childcare places on 5 days per week are not always available and therefore have to be clarified early. 


The family and school supplementary care services are subject to fees. The costs vary depending on the municipality, childcare facilities and parents' income and are partly borne by the municipality of residence. Most cost models offer discounts according to the taxable income of the household, the number of days and modules booked or if several siblings are registered.

Costs of full-day care for children of preschool age

Assumptions: 1 child (2.5 years old), without discounts for several days of childcare; average taxable net income or average tariff level (approx. CHF 80,000/year).


Usual opening hours¹

Average Tariff per childcare hour² Average Total costs

Whole day, lunch included 

6.30 am - 6.30 pm¹ CHF 5.00/h² approx. CHF 50.00
¹ These are standard opening hours of the childcare facilities. However, most parents bring their children later and/or pick them up earlier.
² Hourly rates only serve as a comparative value. As a rule, billing is based on days of care.


Costs for individual modules or full-day care for children of school age

Assumptions: 1 child (9 years old); no discounts for further modules; average taxable net income or average tariff level (approx. CHF 80,000/year).


Usual opening hours¹ Average Tariff per childcare hour²

Average Tariffs per module/day 

Preschool childcare / Settling-in period 

6.30 am - 8.30 am 

approx. CHF 5.50/h 

approx. CHF 9.50 

Midday (incl. meal)

11.30 am - 1.30 pm 

approx. CHF 9.50/h 

approx. CHF 19.00 


1.30 pm - 6.30 pm 

approx. CHF 5.00/h 

approx. CHF 12.50 

After-school childcare / Tasks 

4.00 pm - 6.30 pm 

approx. CHF 6.00/h 

approx. CHF 14.50 

Whole day or all modules including lunch

6.30 am - 6.30 pm 

approx. CHF 4.50/h 

approx. CHF 54.00 

¹ These are standard opening hours of the childcare facilities. However, most parents bring their children later and/or pick them up earlier.
² Hourly rates only serve as a comparative value. As a rule, billing is based on days of care.


The Smith family case study

The Smith family moves to Valais for professional reasons. Mr Smith works part-time 4 days a week, Mrs Smith works full-time. Together they have a taxable net income of around CHF 140,000 (highest pay scale level). The older child will attend the 3rd grade (5H) in a primary school and has a school-free afternoon on Wednesdays. The younger child is 3 years old and should attend a day care centre (nursery).

What kind of childcare must the family organise for their two children and what costs must they expect?


1. Child (school age) 

2. Child (preschool age) 

Childcare facilities 

School / OSCAR 

(1st Child, no reduction, tariff level 6) 

Day care centre (Nursery) 

(1st Child, no reduction, tariff level 6) 


Settling-in period: CHF 12 

Lunchtime club: CHF 24 

After-school childcare: CHF 21 

Full-day childcare CHF 87 


Settling-in period: CHF 12 

Lunchtime club: CHF 24 

After-school childcare: CHF 21 

Full-day childcare CHF 87 


Settling-in period: CHF 12 

Lunchtime club: CHF 24 

After-school childcare: CHF 21 

Full-day childcare CHF 87 


Settling-in period: CHF 12 

Lunchtime club: CHF 24 

After-school childcare: CHF 21 

Full-day childcare CHF 87 


Costs per week and child 

CHF 228/ week 

CHF 348/ week 

Costs per month and child 

CHF 912/ month 

CHF 1,392/ month 

TOTAL costs per month 

CHF 2,304/ Month